1405 Kurth Drive
Lufkin, TX 75904

Recognizing the challenges faced by a growing number of people, Congress approved the National Family Caregivers Support Program as part of the 2000 Older Americans Act Re-authorization. This program calls for all states, working in partnership with Area Agencies on Aging and local community service providers, to have five basic services for family caregivers, including:
• Information about resources
• Assistance to families in locating services
• Caregiver training, peer support and counseling
• Respite Care provided
• Supplemental services on a limited basis
The Caregiver Support program targets individuals of any age that are caring for someone age 60 plus, and grandparents (age 55+) who are raising their grandchildren* (under 18 years old). All supportive services are available on a donation basis. Referrals can be made by an individual, family member, friend or professional. All referrals can be made using our intake line or you can complete a Caregiver Intake and mail it to Area Agency on Aging, 1405 Kurth Drive, Lufkin, Texas 75904. All services are short-term (up to 90 hours), temporary, and are provided at no charge. Contributions toward the cost of the service are accepted.
Contact our office to speak with a case manager 409-384-7614 or 1-800-256-6848.